Your Magical Midlife

S2 E17: Perimenopause is a Portal

Kate Higgins

Perimenopause is the gateway. It's a portal. It's the portal between your old self and your new self.

And you have to walk through fire to get there.  It's a transformation. There's a reason why they call it "the change". Because it changes you in every way. Spiritually. Emotionally,  physically,  intellectually. It's a total repurposing of your soul. I have been massively transformed in the last decade. I don't see anything the same way that I did in my 30s. I don't look the same. I don't feel the same and I don't act the same.  Perimenopause will transform you from the inside out. You have to walk through fire to get through the initiation. But what's on the other side is worth it. Trust me. 

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